Invitation – 18 May – Launch of 48 Stories

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48 Stories - Mapping the Palestinian Diaspora

For Israelis, May 1948 marks the creation of the State of Israel. For Palestinians, it marks the Nakba (‘catastrophe’), when more than 700.000 Palestinians were forced out of their homes. Today – exactly 70 years later – those 700.000 have exceeded six million. 48 Stories presents the personal stories of Palestinians who witnessed the events and shows where they live today.

On 18 May, 48 Stories will be launched at Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam. In the past two years, 7 photographers visited Palestinian communities around the world and documented their experiences, memories and everyday lives. The work of Ezz al Zanoon (PS), Laura Boushnak (KW/PS), Tanya Habjouqa (JO), Rula Halawani (PS), Khaled Jarrar (PS), Kadir van Lohuizen (NL) and Ali Noureldine (PS) is now included in an innovative web app, mapping the Palestinian diaspora. 48 Stories aims to preserve the stories of Palestinians, both 1948 survivors and their descendants, and make their histories visible in the present. The project shows a community whose members, although geographically and socioeconomically diverse, are all tied to the same country, landscape and history.

During this launch event, we look into the visual representation of the Nakba with a group of international photographers, artists and scholars including Ezz al Zanoon (PS), Debby Farber (IL), Tanya Habjouqa (JO, based in PS), Kadir van Lohuizen (NL) and dr. Ihab Saloul (PS/NL). The evening is moderated by Bertan Selim (MK/NL).

48 Stories is produced by NOOR and Paradox, in collaboration with Kummer & Herrman and Slices, and made possible by the generous support of the Mondriaan Fund, Prince Claus Fund, Creative Industries Fund NL, Leonhard-Woltjer Stichting, Lutfia Rabbani Foundation and NOOR Foundation.

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About the speakers

Ezz al Zanoon (PS, 1992) is an independent photo journalist and filmmaker whose work regularly appears on the Middle East Eye, The Electronic Intifada, and Al Jazeera English, among others. His work is mostly concerned with topics such as human rights and social justice. Last year his work was included in the exhibition HOME at Framer Framed.

Debby Farber (IL, 1977) is a PhD candidate at Ben Gurion University and works as a curator for Zochrot, an Israeli NGO. Founded in 2002, Zochrot (“remembering” in Hebrew) aims to raise awareness, acknowledgement and accountability for the ongoing injustices of the Nakba. Zochrot’s Visual Research Lab is a dynamic platform for reflection, study, development, and production of concepts for the creation of a new visual language that counters the erasure of Palestinianness from the Israeli mental and physical space.

Tanya Habjouqa (JO, based in PS, 1975) is an award-winning photographer, journalist and educator with a background in journalism and anthropology. Her principal interests include gender, representations of otherness, dispossession and human rights, with a particular concern for ever-shifting sociopolitical dynamics in the Middle East. She is a founding member of Rawiya, the first all-female photography collective from the Middle East. In 2017 she joined photography collective NOOR.

Kadir van Lohuizen (NL, 1963) has covered conflicts in Africa and elsewhere, but is probably best known for his long-term projects on the seven rivers of the world, the rising of sea levels, the diamond industry and migration in the Americas. He has received numerous prizes, including two World Press Photo awards. In September 2007, he and ten others founded NOOR.

Dr. Ihab Saloul (PS/NL) is Associate Professor at University of Amsterdam. His interests include heritage and memory studies, conflict and identity politics, museum studies, cultural analysis, literary and narrative theory, postcolonialism and visual culture as well as migration, diaspora and exile in contemporary cultural thought in the Middle East and Europe. His publications include Catastrophe and Exile in the Modern Palestinian Imagination: Telling Memories (2012) and ZOOM IN: Palestinian Refugees of 1948, Remembrances (2011).

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About the app

48 Stories presents the personal stories of Palestinians in an innovative web app. The app is designed by Kummer & Herrman and created in collaboration with Slices, an Amsterdam based start-up developing online storytelling solutions for journalists. Each episode zooms in on the memories and everyday life of a Palestinian, who either witnessed the events of 1948 first hand or through the experiences of his/her parents. 48 Stories connects the experiences of Palestinians who resettled around the world, but all share ties to the same country, landscape and history. The app allows for a re-reading of the Palestinian diaspora and opens up to new stories and interpretations.

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Launch of 48 Stories

Launch of 48 Stories
Friday 18 May

Location: Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam

Time: 20:00 - 22:00 h

Speakers: Ezz al Zanoon, Debby Farber, Tanya Habjouqa, Kadir van Lohuizen and Ihab Saloul, moderated by Bertan Selim.

Entrance: open to all, RSVP via Pakhuis de Zwijger.

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48 Stories app available 18 May