Seasons Greetings

Thank You & Best Wishes from Paradox

A sentiment to end the year courtesy of Hanninlion, a Welkom Today Studio participant

Here’s looking back at a wonderful, whirlwind 2019 with Suppressed by the Saviour at Melkweg Expo, Notes from Aleppo at World Press Photo, EYE Filmmuseum and the Nederlands Filmfestival, BITTER Chocolate Stories at Tropenmuseum and Afrika Museum and of course Welkom Today at the Stedelijk Museum, CBK Zuidoost, Kwaku Festival and Amsterdam schools. Not to mention the unforgettable visit of students and teachers from Welkom and Thabong!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who made these projects possible: the various venues, our partners and sponsors, the photographers, filmmakers, writers, designers, editors, service providers, interns and staff members, supervisory board, and last but not least…

– YOU, our audience this year: 100,166 visitors online and 348,492 at 10 museum venues!

Wishing you happy holidays and the very best for 2020, the year we will celebrate 25 years since our first productions in 1995. Stay tuned for exciting project updates in January!

On behalf of the Paradox board and staff,

Bas Vroege, Agnes Wijers, Mike Ackermans, Rob van der Laarse, Pascal van Ham, Jeroen den Uyl, Tiago Rosado, Hannah Hagen, Lisette Swier, Kirstie Crail, Laura Quarto, Lys Romero, Olga Victorie, Anne Ruygt and Sara Bassi

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