Hans Aarsman
The work of Hans Aarsman (b. 1951) is best described as fieldwork. He is a Dutch photographer, photodetective and writer. His photographic work has been displayed various times at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam. Every Thursday in Volkskrant and every Saturday in De Tijd, Aarsman writes an episode of Collection, in which he scrutinises photographs in his idiosyncratic manner. He has toured Dutch theatres with a one man show about his fieldwork.
In 1989 he published the book Hollandse Taferelen which consisted of landscapes photographed from the roof of a camper which he pulled through the Netherlands for a year. In 1990–1991 he finished a photo series of East German states. Other photobooks produced by Aarsman include Aarsmans Amsterdam (1993), Een engeltje dat over mijn tong piest (1995), and Vrooom!Vrooom! (2003).