
is an open platform for documentary photography and visual storytelling. Ydoc shows adventurous ways to publish, fund and sell forms of photography productions and shares information about them.

Also, Ydoc is a platform exploring visual storytelling. From the craftsmanship of the printed book to the multitude of digital technology that pushes the boundaries of documentary expression. Ydoc wants to show the urgency and versatility of the image. As a language, as an engagement and as a contemporary journalistic tool.

In the media ecology of today – where free is common good – buying is an act of support, of validating and appreciating the efforts that makers put into their narratives. YdocStore brings makers and buyers together, referencing Google Play or iTunes store as easy as a (self-)publisher’s website.

Ydoc was founded in 2011 by Prospektor, Colour & Books, Kummer & Herrman and Paradox. Ydoc acknowledges the support received from the Egbert Kunst Fonds of the Prins Bernhard CultuurfondsMondriaan Fonds and Stichting Sem Presser Archief (via founding partner Paradox).
